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CHF 64.90CHF 32.45

60 Vcaps
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* BEAUTY AND THE B´s contain natural B vitamins from organic plants, organic barley grass and three billion viable bacteria cultures for a pure skin.

* BEAUTY AND THE B`s works via the gut-skin axis against pimples and acne. A special beauty microbiome blend with three clinically proven bacteria strains help to achieve pure skin. Organic extracts delivering potent chlorophyll as well as a plant-based organic vitamin B complex give extra support to problem skin on its way to more balance.

* All ingredients come from controlled organic cultivation. All vitamins and minerals are purely plant-based and work together with the natural co-nutrients.

* BEAUTY AND THE B´s  is hand-picked, without additives, without genetic engineering, 100% vegan and packaged in a high-quality apothecary jar.
* Take one capsule in the morning on an empty stomach with a glass of water. For best results, leave 30 minutes before a meal. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.

* BEAUTY AND THE B´s plays nicely with all other Ogaenics products.

* Store the closed container in a cool (< 25° C), dry place.

* Keep out of reach of young children.

Food supplements should not be taken as a substitute for a balanced, varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. If you are taking medication or if you are under medical supervision, please consult a physician before taking any food supplement.
220mg Ogænics® organic vitamin B plant blend*: organic guava fruit extract* (Psidium guajava), organic spirulina extract* (Arthrospira platensis), organic chlorella extract* (Chlorella vulgaris), organic yeast cell extract* (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), organic mango fruit extract* (Mangifera indica), organic sprouted mung bean extract* (Vigna angularis), organic lemon peel extract* (Citrus limon), organic basil leaf extract* (Ocimum sanctum), organic shiitake extract* (Lentinula edodes), organic spinach leaf extract* (Spinacia oleracea), of which of which 1.9 mg Vitamin B1, 1.8mg Vitamin B2, 8.2mg Vitamin B3 (Niacin NE), 3.3mg Vitamin B5, 1.8mg Vitamin B6, 52µg Biotin, 122µg Folat, 2.7 µg Vitamin B12, 190mg organic barley grass powder* (Hordeum vulgare), 80mg Ogænics® beauty microbiome blend: Lactobacillus plantarum PBS067 (DSM 24937), Lactobacillus reuteri PBS072 (DSM 25175) and Lactobacillus rhamnosus LRH020 (DSM 25568), capsule: hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose

*from controlled organic cultivation